Patriots supporting veterans


Benefits of Membership

The camaraderie and fellowship that comes with being part of the nation's largest group of combat veterans.

Assistance securing the benefits you're entitled to as a veteran.

Discounts on numerous insurance and health care plans.


If you are a U.S. citizen who has served honorably in the Armed Forces and has served in an overseas conflict, you are eligible to become a member of the VFW.

You can join us even if you are still serving in the military. The VFW counts over 75,000 active-duty, Reserve and National Guard service members among our ranks.

Membership Dues

Become an annual member of the VFW for only $35* per year. (*May vary according to state of residence.)

Make a one-time payment to become a Life Member of the VFW, or take advantage of our 12-month installment plan.

VFW Membership Application

Applying for a membership with the VFW is fast and easy. Just use our secure online VFW Membership Application.